Pillar I: Our People: Promote the comprehensive development of our employees
Culture and Values
FEMSA Comercio’s Internal Value Proposition for Employees is a human resources platform that features initiatives fostering eight levels of employee satisfaction.
Training and Development
FEMSA University provides for the development of our employees through onsite and online training.
Comprehensive Development
Our Social Development System promotes the social and personal development of our employees and their families through activities, services, programs, and benefits designed to improve their quality of life.
Pillar II. Our Planet: Minimize the environmental impact of our operations
Coca-Cola FEMSA’s Water Efficiency Program, implemented in the nine countries where we operate, continually reduces the average consumption of water per liter of beverage produced through water efficiency technologies, programs, and actions.
FEMSA Logística has designed programs to reduce the use of fossil fuels in our transportation operations. Through such actions as the design of high productivity vehicles, the implementation of our Clean Transportation program, route optimization, and staff training on eco-efficient driving techniques, our company has improved transportation efficiency and reduced greenhouse gas emissions.
Waste and Recycling
Our IMER Recycling Plant, a joint venture between Coca-Cola FEMSA, ALPLA Mexico, and Coca-Cola Mexico, is one of the largest PET recycling facilities in Latin America.
Pillar III. Our Communities: Contribute to the development of sustainable communities
Community Development
Youth with Value trains young people to become social entrepreneurs through the design and implementation of development projects that benefit their communities. We supported 120 projects in 2012.
Sustainable Sourcing
FEMSA Comercio started a pilot supply chain initiative to identify and strengthen actions that suppliers are currently implementing or plan to develop to improve their sustainability. Each participating supplier established a work plan with actions addressing environmental and social issues.
Healthy Lifestyles
Sign Up to Play, implemented by Coca-Cola FEMSA in partnership with The Coca-Cola Company and the Ministries of Education of Argentina, Colombia, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Nicaragua and Panama, promotes healthy living and physical activity through sports in schools.
For the fifth consecutive year, we applied the Global Reporting Initiative Sustainable Reporting Guidelines (GRI G3.1) and, when applicable, we used the Food Processing and the Logistics and Transportation Sector Supplements to produce our 2012 Sustainability Report, which is GRI checked and externally verified by KPMG Mexico, achieving an application level of A+, the highest level available.